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Wednesday, August 3

Mother Of The Year

I think I've been disqualified. I took the kids to a park today, I needed some updated pictures for Grandma Louise (or for my blog, whatever). There was this picture perfect tree that I could perch each of the kids in for an individual shot.

Carson's went well. He's so handsome it makes me cry.

It is always so easy to take pictures of Preston. I love 7 year olds.

Then I tried to perch my not-quite-2-year-old in the afore mentioned tree. You had to have some semblance of balance to be able to stand between the two trunks. I totally thought Abby could handle it. I kept trying and trying to get her footing stable, all the while Preston was warning me, "Mom. I don't like this. She's going to fall and hurt herself. I really, REALLY, don't like this, Mom. It's not a good idea." I got irritated and told him to quit telling me what to do. I am HIS mother, after all. Not the other way around.

I hate it when he's right. No, actually, I don't mind him being right. I hate being proved wrong. Congratulations to Preston. He's been awarded the "Mother of the Year" award.

She got over it eventually.

And I think it makes her look tough.