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Wednesday, August 3

Baby D

So, there is nothing in the world that I hate more than babies. Especially newborns. They smell so rotten and don't do anything but snuggle up to you and sleep in your arms all the day long. I hate looking at their little ears and toes. And I loathe nothing more than when they put their little fists around my finger. Disgusting. But what is even worse, I have to take pictures of them occasionally. Talk about the longest hour of my life! They just lay there whilst I snap away discontentedly. So, you can all imagine how irritated I was when Trevor's sister, Ashley, asked me to take pictures of her new little man. I tried my hardest to get out of it, but to no avail. So, these are what we ended up with. I don't even know why I'm posting them. I'm so sick of looking at his little mug. By the way, Preston has informed me that today is opposite day.

~Proud mama and daddy.~

I can't keep the "opposite day" facade up any longer. I could eat this baby for brunch, he's so delicious! Don't tell, but I had multiple kidnapping scenerios playing in my head the whole time we were taking pictures. He's just that tempting.

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