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Wednesday, August 3

Baby H!

Ugh. I'm way behind in my blogging, both writing and reading. Forgive me for the lack of comments that I'm sure you haven't missed. Still, my heartfelt apologies for being such an inept follower.

I'm going to skip past the wild fires and eminent danger we were in, for about an hour, last Saturday night, and talk about my SIL's BFF (How's that for blogging lingo? I'm so young and happening). Kelly had a sweet baby boy two days before Halloween and asked me to come over and take a few shots of him last week. I was honored.

He is such a little man. I love that newborn stage, where everything is still all crinkly and red and teeny. He didn't want to cooperate at first, but after a few minutes in his mama's arms, he succumbed to the sleepies.

I loved watching the interaction between Kelly and her first baby. You could see how absolutely precious he is to her. Thanks for inviting me into your home and letting me attempt to capture part of that moment!

Try to avoid any vicious remarks about Kelly. She doesn't mean to look so dang good two weeks post partum. I swear she's a nice person!

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