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Wednesday, January 25

Baby A

I'm so hungry. So very, very baby hungry. Trevor has put me on a baby diet. And to me, diet is a four letter word. So taking pictures of a new, sweet baby helps me with my withdrawals. Then again, it might make it worse, when the new parents take their precious bundle home :-( But I digress. This shoot was before Christmas, and although I finished editing them a while ago, I'm just now getting around to posting them.

I want to eat these toes. Does anyone have a problem with that? Didn't think so.

I love watching new parents. They are so...careful with their babes. Just a little advice though, you actually have to hear the pats on the baby's back if you want productive burping ;-)

This is Grandma (to state the obvious) I love the contrast of generations. The sweet babe in Granny's arms is probably my favorite shot.

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