I need and WANT to post these pictures of the newest member of the extended Miles clan. Baby Alice!!!
Oh she is perfect. So beautiful. Quite possibly the prettiest baby ever. At a month old, she was still only 7lbs., so you know I was in heaven. Now, I'm crying because I just want to hold a teeny tiny baby right now. I'll settle for telling you all her amazing story. You all remember Sunny and Rick, right? Their role as parents started on April 22, 2009. Remember Dean? He just turned 2. One year and one month later, May 2010, Lyla arrived (via same birth mom). It was crazy but a good crazy. We found out that Dean and Lyla had eight other siblings spread out with two other families. CRAZY! Well, in February of this year, Rick was deployed again. As we speak he's resting out in the middle of an ocean somewhere protecting our rights and freedoms (thank you for that and FYI my boys like to brag about their hero, Uncle Rick). So about now, you know where my story is going. On April 14, Sunny's social worker called her to tell her that, yes, the birth mom was pregnant again and wanted her and Rick to adopt the new little one, when it was born. She wasn't due for another month so Sunny would have time to think and pray and, at least, mention it to Rick! Can you imagine 3 in two years? Well, my mom can, but that's another story.
The next morning, the social worker called again to say the birth mom had had an emergency Cesarean, in the middle of the night, and delivered a healthy baby girl. I'm not sure how Sunny reacted initially, but I can say I probably would've blacked out. Sunny called me later that day and put in a prayer request. We all complied! I can't imagine how overwhelming that must have been. She could talk to Rick...but only sporadically. She didn't know what to do, but she knew she had to see her. So she bought a plane ticket. I have to get a little smug right now. When I heard she was flying down to see the baby, I said to Trevor, "Oh please, like she'll be able to hold that sweet little thing and then not take her?" I was right (insert smug grin). Much paperwork and a couple of weeks later, mom and baby were together. Sunny flew me up to take Dean's 2 year old pictures, Lyla's 1 year old pictures and baby Alice's newborns! Whew! It was nuts and she is awesome! So to end the story, Rick might be my boys hero (and a great person for it), but Sunny is mine!
Now on to the pictures! I'm going to tag this post "Sunny" so you can click on it and read the rest of their story if you feel so inclined. It's a pretty good story...
She has red hair! Love it!

Such a pretty mama.
A couple shots of 4/5 of the family. Note to self, it's kind of tough to get a 2 year old, 1 year old, and newborn to smile and look at you at the same time.

That's right Sunny, just keep smiling!
Dean is 2!
I'll just add that we did the pictures at the aquatic center. Rick was on the rowing team in college and Sunny wanted to put a little piece of him in the pictures. I loved the gesture! He is so missed!