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Thursday, December 8


I'm named after someone. Her name is Marie. She was my grandma's bestie. I picture them arm in arm window shopping in heaven. There's shopping in heaven right? I wish so much that I had a picture to post of her. But I do have a picture of the newest namesake. Anistynn Marie, my little brother's 4th girl! On a side note, he's such a good daddy to little girls. I'd like to think I played a small roll in that, along with my 3 other sisters (but he got to handle my drama for much longer than the older 3). 4 sisters, 4 daughters, it can't be a coincidence. Anyway, I hope she takes after her mommy in looks, her daddy in athleticism, and her auntie in humble witty sarcasm (that's me).

Tuesday, December 6

"A" For Adoption!

This post is going to be rushed. I really wanted to post these a while ago. Remember Sunny? Of course you do. Well, they wanted me to come take more pictures. Yes please. But not just of their family. All the families who have adopted children from Dean, Lyla, and Alice's birth mom were getting together and wanted one ginormous photo shoot. YES PLEASE! What an honor to be able to meet each one of these precious little people. I wasn't expecting much, after all there are 11 of them (not a typo, 11)! I was blown away though. They were awesome. So well behaved and so polite...all of them! The older kids were so good with the little ones. I was amazed at how well they all accepted each other. I really couldn't get over the lack of chaos though! Best behaved kids ever. Want me to really blow your mind? The oldest is 10. 11 kids in 10 years. There, your minds are blown.

The "L" Family
The "B" Family (came all the way from Texas!)
The "M" Family
(Sunny-why didn't we get one of just your kids?  Ah, well, you and the Ricker are just as cute!)